Difference between diaphragm filter press and ordinary chamber filter press

Both membrane filter presses and ordinary chamber filter presses are used for liquid-solid separation in various industrial applications, but they have some key differences in design, operation, and applications. Here’s a comparison between the two:


  1. Design

Membrane Filter Press:


Membrane Plates: Equipped with flexible membrane plates that can be inflated with air or water after filtration, creating additional pressure.

Construction: Typically allows for more efficient cake squeezing, resulting in drier cake and higher solid recovery.

Complexity: More complex due to the addition of membranes and inflation mechanisms.

Ordinary Chamber Filter Press:


Chamber Plates: Consists of fixed, rigid plates that form chambers for filtration.

Simplicity: Simpler design with no additional components for membrane inflation.

Capacity: Generally has larger chambers for holding more sludge but may produce wetter cake compared to membrane presses.

  1. Filtration Process

Membrane Filter Press:


Pressure Application: After the initial filtration, the membrane is inflated to apply additional pressure, which helps to squeeze out more liquid from the filter cake.

Efficiency: More efficient in terms of solid-liquid separation, often resulting in a drier cake.

Ordinary Chamber Filter Press:


Static Filtration: Filtration occurs under pressure but does not have the additional squeezing mechanism.

Lower Efficiency: Typically produces a wetter cake compared to membrane filter presses.

  1. Cake Characteristics

Membrane Filter Press:


Drier Cake: The additional squeezing results in a cake that is significantly drier and has a higher solids content.

Higher Quality: The final product is generally of higher quality, making it suitable for applications where dry solids are required.

Ordinary Chamber Filter Press:


Wetter Cake: The cake produced is usually moister, making it less desirable for certain applications.

Lower Quality: May not meet the quality standards for some high-demand processes.

  1. Applications

Membrane Filter Press:


High-Value Applications: Ideal for industries requiring high solid recovery and drier cakes, such as pharmaceuticals, food processing, and wastewater treatment.

Cost-Effective in Long Run: Although initial costs are higher, the efficiency and lower disposal costs can make it more economical over time.

Ordinary Chamber Filter Press:


General Applications: Commonly used in industries like mining, chemical processing, and wastewater treatment where the final cake dryness is less critical.

Lower Initial Costs: Usually more affordable upfront, making it suitable for less demanding applications.

  1. Maintenance and Operation

Membrane Filter Press:


Higher Maintenance Needs: More components can lead to increased maintenance complexity and costs.

Operator Training: Requires more specialized training for operators due to its complexity.

Ordinary Chamber Filter Press:


Easier Maintenance: Simpler design typically results in easier maintenance and operation.

Training: Less complex, making it easier for operators to manage.


In summary, the choice between a membrane filter press and an ordinary chamber filter press largely depends on the specific requirements of the application, such as desired cake dryness, initial investment, and operational complexity. Membrane filter presses offer higher efficiency and drier cakes but come with increased complexity and cost, while ordinary chamber filter presses provide a simpler and more cost-effective solution for many standard applications.

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